Proposal for plyometric exercises to improve the power of youth pitchers in the province of Mayabeque

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Pedro Alexei Díaz Chapell
Yasser Vázquez Alfonso
Carlos Batista Sotolongo
Pablo Velasteguí López


The training of the plyometric in the pitchers of Baseball is a fundamental aspect for its competitive result with the result that we propose a group of plyometrics exercises for the improvement of the power of the pitchers of Baseball. It stands out as the objective of this investigation, since it is a fundamental component of the preparation of force of the pitchers of Baseball to achieve the wanted yield, what is translated in possessing strong muscles, rapids and explosive in the inferior part of the body, in function of achieving the improvement of the mobility to articulate, the coordination of the movements, the fluency and the harmony in the technical expression, getting with it to conform an excellent physical state, besides other characteristics that identify the pitcher to reach sport high. The used population had the participation of 16 pitchers of the team of Baseball Juvenile category of the EIDE of the county of Mayabeque, the scientific methods were used: the observation, mensuration: 10 continuous jumps, I jump to the drawer, jump of longitude, squatting with weights, vertical jump besides exercises of plyometric force; the survey: type group and semi-standardized and the functional structural systemic method. With the application of the group of exercises, it was possible to increase the yield indexes when increasing the plyometric force in the pitchers of Baseball of the Juvenile category of the EIDE of the county of Mayabeque.


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How to Cite
Díaz Chapell, P. A., Vázquez Alfonso, Y., Batista Sotolongo, C., & Velasteguí López, P. (2019). Proposal for plyometric exercises to improve the power of youth pitchers in the province of Mayabeque. ConcienciaDigital, 2(4), 87-95.


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Para citar este artículo en su versión original: Gilles Cometti Los Métodos Pliométricos.
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Para citar este artículo en PubliCE: Cometti, Gilles. Los Métodos Pliométricos. PubliCE Standard. 27/07/2007. Pid: 848.