The editorial board of Ciencia Digital is committed to high standards of ethics and good practices in the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, to guarantee rigor and scientific quality. That is why it has adopted as a reference the code of conduct for editors of scientific journals, which has been established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), among which the following stand out:

General Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Team
In their capacity as the heads of the journal, the editorial board of Ciencia Digital is committed to:

  • Join forces to meet the needs of readers and authors.
  • Strive for the continuous improvement of the journal.
  • Ensure the quality of the material that is published.
  • Ensure freedom of expression.
  • Maintain the academic integrity of your content.
  • Prevent commercial interests from compromising intellectual criteria.
  • Post corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

Author Relations
Ciencia Digital is committed to ensuring the quality of the material it publishes, informing about the objectives and standards of the journal. The editor's decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, and the relevance of the study in relation to the journal's editorial line.

The journal includes a description of the processes followed in the peer review of each paper received. It has a manuscript submission manual for authors in which this information is presented and is updated regularly. The right of authors to appeal editorial decisions is recognized.

The publisher will not change its decision to accept submissions, unless irregularities or extraordinary situations are detected. Any change in the members of the editorial board will not affect decisions already taken, except in exceptional cases where serious circumstances converge.

Relations with Evaluators
Ciencia Digital makes available to reviewers a manual for the evaluation of manuscripts about what is expected of them. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, guaranteeing their anonymity.

Peer review process
Ciencia Digital guarantees that the material submitted for publication will be considered as reserved and confidential while it is evaluated (double-blind).

Ciencia Digital is committed to responding promptly to complaints received and to ensuring that dissatisfied complainants are able to process all their complaints. In any case, if the parties concerned are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they have the right to raise their objections to other bodies.

Fostering Academic Integrity
Ciencia Digital ensures that the material it publishes conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.

Protection of individual data
Ciencia Digital guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (for example, of the teachers and/or students participating as collaborators or study subjects in the research presented).

Monitoring of bad practices
Ciencia Digital assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or inappropriate conduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished documents. Not only will the editor reject manuscripts that raise concerns about possible misconduct, but they consider themselves ethically obligated to report alleged instances of misconduct. The journal will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the papers submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.

Academic Integrity and Rigor
Whenever any published work is known to contain material inaccuracies, misleading or distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately.

If any work whose content is fraudulent is detected, it will be removed as soon as it becomes known, immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.

Relations with Magazine Owners and Editors
La relación entre editores, editoriales y propietarios estará sujeta al principio de independencia editorial. Ciencia Digital garantizará siempre que los artículos se publiquen con base en su calidad e idoneidad para los lectores, y no con vistas a un beneficio económico o político. En este sentido, el hecho de que la revista no se rija por intereses económicos, y defienda el ideal de libre acceso al conocimiento universal y gratuito, facilita dicha independencia.

Conflicto de intereses
Ciencia Digital establecerá los mecanismos necesarios para evitar o resolver los posibles conflictos de intereses entre autores, evaluadores y/o el propio equipo editorial.

Cualquier autor, lector, evaluador o editor puede remitir sus quejas a los organismos competentes.