Submit a scientific article that was previously published, or that is being considered for publication in another medium (except theses and degree works), either in Spanish or another language and that is being submitted with the knowledge of all authors. Failure to comply with this paragraph violates the ethics policies of Ciencia Digital.

Include a declaration of conflict of interest, in the research document, specifying the origin of the support received in the form of grants, equipment or medicines from commercial entities, if any.


Based on the code of conduct formulated by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE, 2008), the Revista Ciencia Digital, formulates its declaration of ethics and negligence, which constitutes its code of ethics aimed at editors, reviewers, authors, establishes the following aspects for each of the aforementioned roles:


Originality: original and unpublished research will be accepted. Revista Ciencia Digital uses the Urkund software to detect levels of similarity in the manuscripts received, so that all articles will be reviewed with this method, accepting up to a maximum of 5% of similarities.

Multiple and/or repetitive publications: authors may not simultaneously submit the same work to several journals, duplicate publication or publication with irrelevant changes or paraphrase of the same work, or artificially fragment a work into several articles, while the editorial process submitted to Revista Ciencia Digital lasts. 

Sources: Authors must provide the correct and complete list of sources used in the manuscript, in APA 7 format.

Authorship: it is declared considering that all the authors contributed significantly to the work, and the order of the authors is established according to the level of contribution and contribution in the conceptualization, elaboration, interpretation and writing of the manuscript.

If it is necessary to change an author or include new authors, once the manuscript review process has begun, the editorial team of the Revista Ciencia Digital will proceed according to COPE's code of ethics. Intellectual property rights are vested in the authors. Once the letter of acceptance has been issued and the document has been published, there will be no changes in the authors.

In accordance with international practice, authors who submit papers to Digital Science must demonstrate compliance with principles such as informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality, to avoid harming participants and demonstrate special care when conducting studies with populations.

Informed consent of the research subjects: all social research produces a tension by inviting people to collaborate in a process that is not directly for their benefit and in whose design they have not participated. One way to resolve this tension is to respect the autonomy of individuals, that is, their ability to make decisions, for this according to professional ethical codes of sociologists in the United Kingdom and the United States, researchers must request the consent of the investigated subjects to participate in a study (Committee on Professional Ethics, 1999; British Sociological Association, 2002; Economic and Social Research Council, 2005).

In order for the autonomy of individuals to be respected, this consent must be informed to the participants, who will receive information about the objectives of the research, the type of participation requested, the origin of the project's funding and the possible uses of the study results. Likewise, they must be asked for authorization to use the information and finally, they must be guaranteed the right to interrupt their participation at any time.

Anonymity of research participants: Anonymity refers to a person's right not to have their identity revealed. To achieve anonymity, the researcher(s) must protect the location of individuals, places, the identity of subjects, and groups and institutions, both in published results and in the way empirical material is collected and archived. To do this, the information must be collected anonymously, recorded and archived in such a way that the individuals and organizations to which it refers cannot be recognized by people outside the research, the data must be presented in such a way that the informants are able to recognize themselves, while the readers must not be able to recognize them.

Confidentiality of the information received: confidentiality refers to what is "done or said in confidence or with reciprocal security between two or more persons", therefore it is associated with the concept of privacy. Ensuring confidentiality means that what has been discussed, analyzed, shared, will not be repeated without proper authorization. Researchers have an obligation to report their findings without disclosing information that would allow participants to be identified, and to try to protect their identity through various processes to anonymize them.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: authors must declare that there is no conflict of interest that may have influenced the results presented, for which they must comply with the respective guideline included in the checklist for the preparation of submissions, which appears in the submit link on the journal's website.

Authors must communicate in writing if there is any personal or financial relationship between the authors of the article and public or private persons or entities, which could give rise to a possible conflict of interest, which could inappropriately influence their work.

A potential conflict of interest may arise from different types of past or present relationships, such as: being employed by the organization referred to in the manuscript, consulting services in which the author(s) were involved and through which the data were obtained, ownership of shares, remuneration, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations and grants or other funding and others, that could cause an unintentional bias in the work of the signatories of the manuscript.

Authors must make the declaration of conflict of interest at two different times and in different parts related to the manuscript submission process:

  1. A summary of conflict of interest. In case there is no conflict of interest, it is necessary to declare: "DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: the authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest." If there is a conflict of interest, it must be declared. If the manuscript is accepted, this statement will be published together with the article.
  2. Check the "Shipment Preparation Checklist" for the item called; "There are no conflicts of interest in the manuscript, or if they exist, they have been duly declared." It is important that potential conflicts of interest are declared on both sides.

Failure to declare conflicts of interest may result in the immediate rejection of a manuscript. If an undisclosed conflict of interest comes to light after publication, Revista Ciencia Digital will take action in accordance with COPE guidelines and issue a public notification to the community.

What is a conflict of interest?

When a researcher, author, editor or reviewer has any financial/personal opinion or interest that could affect their objectivity, or inappropriately influence their actions, compromising trust in the research and disseminating biased results, there is a potential conflict of interest.

Conflicts of interest are conditions in which the professional judgment about the primary interest (publication of an article) may be influenced by a secondary interest, financial or non-financial, professional or personal, and bias the generation of a complete, objective and quality manuscript (whether research or not), peer review, or decision-making during the editorial process.

Disclosing all conflicts of interest is a requirement to contribute to transparency in research. The declaration of conflicts of interest does not imply that scientific misconduct exists or has occurred. Failure to declare conflicts of interest may result in the immediate rejection of a manuscript.

If an undisclosed conflict of interest comes to light after publication, Revista Ciencia Digital will take action in accordance with COPE guidelines and issue a public notification to the community.

Errors in published articles: manuscripts accepted for publication will be sent to the authors, after layout, so that they can review them and issue their opinion on the matter (proof), however, in the event that the authors detect errors or any inaccuracies, after the publication of the article, the editor-in-chief of the journal must be immediately informed. providing the necessary information, so that the pertinent corrections can be made.

Responsibility: the information contained in the submitted papers will be the full responsibility of the authors.

FOR REFEREES (reviewers)

Refereeing process: the process used for the evaluation of manuscripts submitted to the Revista Ciencia Digital, follows the double-blind review type, where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.


The referees are professionals selected based on their prestige and scientific results achieved in the area of knowledge addressed by the manuscript they are assigned to evaluate, they assume the commitment to carry out an objective review, with scientific, critical, honest and unbiased criteria, in order to provide the editors with truthful information about the quality of the proposed article and to make constructive comments to the authors. that favor appropriate corrections.

The referees will provide the corresponding review forms, clearly indicating the reasons why an article is accepted or rejected, and warn in case they detect or suspect cases of duplicity, conflict of interest, ethical problems or fabricated data.

The editorial board will act impartially with regard to the decisions made by each of the referees, so that if a manuscript is accepted by one referee and rejected by another, it will be sent to a third referee, whose decision will be final and final to settle the situation.

Respect for timing: the referees undertake to carry out the requested review within the maximum deadlines established by the journal's editorial team.

Confidentiality: the works assigned for review will not have identifying data about the authors and institutions to which they belong, and must also be treated with total confidentiality, so they cannot be discussed with other people prior to the publication process.

Disclosure: All information related to the peer review process may not be used for personal purposes, nor may it be shared with others not included in the editorial process.

Conflict of interest of reviewers: refereesare obliged to inform the editor if they suspect that the manuscript they are evaluating did not disclose the conflict of interest that should be declared. In addition, you should not accept a review assignment if you have a potential competing interest, including the following:

  • Previous or current collaborations with the alleged perpetrator(s).
  • It's a direct competitor.
  • You may have a known history of antipathy toward the alleged perpetrator(s).
  • Have a personal relationship of affinity with an author that does not allow them to evaluate the manuscript objectively.
  • You can benefit financially from the work.

They should only accept the evaluation of the manuscript if they do not have any type of conflict of interest with it, in case of conflicts the reviewer must inform the editors or the staff of the journal that they must reject their participation, if they consider that they cannot offer an impartial review. When submitting your review, you must indicate whether or not you have conflicting interests.


Decisions: once all the steps of the editorial process have been carried out, the editorial team selects for publication the articles with the highest quality and contribution, in accordance with the evaluation made by the referees and without any type of discrimination or favoritism with respect to the authors.

In this process, the editorial team of the Revista Ciencia Digital will be inflexible with bad practices, such as plagiarism, fabricated data in the article received, duplicity in the submission of articles already published and fraud in any of its forms, and if necessary will make the appropriate consultations with the members of the editorial board.

Confidentiality: the members of the editorial team of Revista Ciencia Digital undertake not to disclose the information related to the articles submitted for evaluation to other people who are not authors, reviewers and editors. They are also committed to the confidentiality of manuscripts, authors and referees, so as to guarantee the integrity of the entire process.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: the editorial team undertakes not to use the contents of the articles submitted to the journal for evaluation in their research without the written consent of the author(s), in the same way any conflict of interest between authors and editors will be avoided.

Conflict of interest of the editors: The editor-in-chief and executive editorsmust declare their own competing interests or conflict of interest, and if necessary disqualify themselves from participating in their part of the editorial process of a manuscript, if they detect a conflict of interest, immediately summoning and informing the remaining members of the editorial team.

The most common reasons editors excuse themselves from participating in the editorial process of a manuscript may include, but are not limited to:

  • Collaborate with a current or recent author.
  • Have published with an author during the last 5 years.
  • Have had grants with a current or recent author.
  • Have a personal relationship with an author that may detract from the objectivity of the editorial process related to a manuscript.

Respect for time: the editorial team is committed to complying with the time limits for revisions and publication of accepted papers. Depending on the revenue stream and the editorial process, authors will be notified when a manuscript is accepted for publication, indicating in what number and date it will be published. The total process between the receipt of a paper and the notification of results will not be longer than 6 months.

Errors in published articles: The editorial team will be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

The editors of Ciencia Digital consider internationally agreed guidelines and guidelines to solve the specific problems of scientific publishing practice. The instructions provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are taken into consideration).

Authors, researchers and reviewers are cordially invited to learn about the international guidelines of COPE: related to ethics in publication, in particular those described below, in order to avoid shortcomings resulting from their ignorance.

The actions of the editorial team of the Revista Ciencia Digital in the face of suspicions of improper conduct in relation to the submission of a manuscript or publication of an article, will be governed by the provisions of COPE, summarized in the set of flow diagrams that illustrate the procedure for the following cases:

  1. Suspicions of plagiarism in manuscript received.
  2. Suspicions of plagiarism in a published article.
  3. Suspicions of duplicity in manuscript received.
  4. Suspicions of duplicity in published article.
  5. Reviewer suspects conflict of interest not disclosed in manuscript received.
  6. Reader suspects conflict of interest in published article.
  7. Suspicion of ethical problem in manuscript received.
  8. Suspicion of fabricated data in manuscript received.
  9. Suspicion of fabricated data in published article.
  10. Request to add additional author prior to publication.
  11. Request to add additional author after publication.
  12. Request to remove an author prior to publication.
  13. Request to remove an author after publication.