Neuroeducation: a look to enhance the learning of physics in second year high school students
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Introduction: The article addresses the influence of neuro-education in the learning of physics in second year high school students. Objective: to identify didactic strategies that promote meaningful learning of physics through the integration of neuro-education concepts. Methodology: The research was developed through a mixed methodology that included the application of surveys to 37 students and interviews with teachers who teach the subject of physics, with the purpose of knowing the perceptions about the pedagogical practices, and the motivation in the classroom. This approach allowed the collection of qualitative and quantitative information to support the findings. Results: showed favorable and unfavorable points. The favorable is the students' perception of physics teaching, and the unfavorable evidence is the need for strategies that stimulate memory, attention, and motivation in students. An educational proposal was designed based on practical exercises and experimental work on neuro-educational principles, encouraging experiential and collaborative learning. These activities not only seek to foster meaningful learning, but also to develop skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Conclusion: In conclusion, neuro-education can be a key tool to improve the quality of education, promoting deep understanding and the integral development of students. General Area of Study: education. Specific area of study: Neuroeducation. Type of study: Original articles.
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