Soft skills for learning and social life in 7th graders
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Introduction: The learning of soft skills has become relevant in the educational field, providing students with better tools not only for school life, but also for their later future in society. In a rural context, these types of skills become even more important in the face of the greater difficulties presented by the environment. Objective: To investigate the soft skills for learning and social life in students in the 7th year of basic education at the Cacique Pintag rural school, Licto parish, Riobamba canton of the Province of Chimborazo, in Ecuador. Methodology: Qualitative approach, with application of unstructured interviews, category analysis through open coding. Results: The soft skills most applied by 7th grade students of the Cacique Pintag rural school are communication, empathy, teamwork, conflict resolution, and adaptability. Conclusion: The promotion of these soft skills in students has a significant impact on their lives, allowing them to develop greater resilience and adaptability in the rural context. General area of study: education. Specific area of study: soft skills in primary education in rural schools. Type of study: Original articles.
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