Preparation of a guide to therapeutic exercises in hip dysplasia in the education class
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Introduction: Hip dysplasia (DCD) is a condition in which the hip joint does not develop properly, preventing poor stable and balanced joint movement to lead a healthy life. This article will provide a physical exercise guide for the student who presents this pathology, allowing the stimulation and development of skills in the physical education (PE) class. Objective: the objective of this article is to develop a guide to therapeutic exercises in DDH in the Physical Education class to treat their condition, preserve or improve the psychomotor and functional development that may be affected by this pathology, addressing practical and methodological aspects that help have a favorable advantage for students at the educational level. Methodology: In this case, the diagnostic method will be applied with interview and observational control to investigate risk factors applying the qualitative method. In investigations of other studies, biomechanical analyzes will be considered in the experimental to better understand the changes in the chair. Results: a guide to therapeutic exercises in DDC in the Physical Education class has a restorative impact at an educational level, favorable for students and not at a clinical level. Conclusions: these exercises have demonstrated their effectiveness in their process, as has been demonstrated by the student who presents this pathology, that performing physical activity leads to a healthy life presenting functional mobility of the pelvic joint in a higher percentage than what was present at the time. start. beginning. General knowledge area: Physical education. Specific area of knowledge: Physiotherapy. Type of study: Original articles.
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