Technology: a human being's ally or a silent enemy
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Introduction: The benefits derived after the usage of technology in education, particularly in the field of foreign language teaching and learning, are countless. However, critical research has evidenced that the privilege assigned to technology hides consequences that most students and teachers are not conscious of. Objective: In this regard, this study aims to elucidate to what extent English teachers are cognizant of the threats hidden in the implementation of technologies in their classrooms. Methodology: For this, the study transits under the interpretative paradigm and mixed approach of scientific research. For the data collection process, a survey and a semi-structured interview were applied to the population. Results: The principal results evidenced a naive position of the participants who ignore that an acratically usage of Technology evokes not only academic risks but, also ethical, labor, and societal ones. Conclusion: These circumstances demand teachers adopt a critical position regarding what, when, and how to use technologies in class. General Study Area: Education. Specific Study Area: Educational Technology.
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