Vehicular and pedestrian traffic, an urban sustainability indicator for the city of Cuenca
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Both vehicular and pedestrian traffic is a problem that developing cities are currently experiencing, with the growth of the population and the number of vehicles, the spaces of mobilization are experiencing congestion, affecting the sustainability of the city. To achieve an early analysis of this problem, indicators have been created to describe a phenomenon qualitatively or quantitatively, but their extensive study has generated an extensive list of these, where regions with limited resources and without a culture of data collection, are inapplicable and unreliable. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate a framework of sustainable indicators that describe the phenomenon of vehicular and pedestrian traffic for a specific area, and to obtain a list of applicable and relevant indicators. The methodology begins with the identification of bibliographic sources and the selection of indicators already evaluated to obtain an initial list, as a second step, this list of indicators was zoned based on expert opinion, fulfilling the criteria imposed, and finally it was verified that these indicators are applicable. In this study, a list of verified, measurable and applicable indicators was obtained for any zone of the city of Cuenca and a methodology of analysis that presents a wide potential for the zoning of sustainable indicators, this selection is absolutely based on the opinion of expert judgment.
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