Passive bioclimatic strategies evaluation for a social housing located in Morona canton in a 50-year prospective.

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Carla Cristina Mora Pesantez
Doris Alexandra Alvear Calle


In the present research, a 50-year projection was proposed for a social single-family housing bioclimatic evaluation located in Macas parish, belonging to Morona Santiago province, and characterized with a mega-thermal rainy climate. The research focuses the analysis and evaluation of the most important architectural elements and climatic factors of the sector. Bioclimatic strategies proposed by Piña (2019) were applied. Climatic conditions and thermal behaviors predictions were calculated with Meteonorm software hence obtaining Energy Plus Weather format and allowed to carry out BIM Energy Simulations by using Design Builder software. The results corroborated the insertion of passive bioclimatic strategies to the BIM to improve the internal thermal comfort behavior. Within the aim of evaluating climatic behavior over the time, the research methodology was stablished as experimental according to its nature, since variables such as: climate, comfort and construction systems were manipulated. The temporal scope has a retrospective and prospective longitudinal approach since it considered 10 years historical data from INAHMI and a projection of 50 years. A probabilistic sampling technique was used, to carry out a multistage sampling where the existing climates in Ecuador was the universe while the population concentrated the cantons with tropical rainy equatorial climate. The evaluation of low-income housing, with passive bioclimatic strategies, brings out how specific strategics can maintain the internal comfort level for social housing users over time.


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How to Cite
Mora Pesantez, C. C., & Alvear Calle, D. A. (2021). Passive bioclimatic strategies evaluation for a social housing located in Morona canton in a 50-year prospective. Ciencia Digital, 5(2), 67-80.


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