Comprehensive care for adults with motor disabilities

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Lisbeth Paola Guamán Punguil
Viviana del Rocio Mera Herrera


Introduction. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) determines that comprehensive care for individuals is the main operational expressions of the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach, focused on the need to organize nursing practice in a systematic and scientific manner, to satisfy care needs in all areas supported by knowledge, skills, and abilities. Objective. Determine comprehensive care for adults with motor disabilities. Methodology. This research work will be developed by applying the observational, descriptive, non-experimental methodology, through a documentary review, the scientific documents must be of high impact, in addition to containing information about the individual, family and community in relation to the comprehensive care provided by the formal and informal caregiver. Results. The quality of life is influenced by numerous factors, including as a starting point the satisfaction of needs until reaching self-realization according to the degree of disability. Among the manifestation care, physical care, rest, satisfaction of basic needs with respect are of great relevance. in individual, cultural, religious practices with the sole objective of maintaining calm, pain relief, inclusion, and therapeutic relationship. Conclusion. It is possible to synthesize and organize the existing scientific evidence in relation to comprehensive care for adults with motor disabilities, providing a comprehensive and precise vision of the problem raised.


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How to Cite
Guamán Punguil, L. P., & Mera Herrera , V. del R. (2024). Comprehensive care for adults with motor disabilities. Anatomía Digital, 7(2.2), 190-208.
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