Clinical patterns of personality and cognitive impairment in patients with headache

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Diego Armando Santos Pazos
Carolina Alexandra Guijarro Orozco
Manuel Cañas Lucendo
Rosario Isabel Cando Pilatuña


Introduction: Clinical personality patterns are entities characterized by biopsychosocially grounded constructs that help the subject to behave in a certain way in the areas of the life cycle, these may be affected by age-related cognitive impairment and neurological alterations such as headaches, present in patients receiving specialized treatment. Objectives: To identify clinical personality patterns, determine the levels of cognitive impairment and establish the relationship between the phenomena studied. Methodology: A basic review was carried out to generate knowledge on the principles of the variables, quantitative, field approach, with a non-experimental and transversal design, since it was carried out in a determined time, with a descriptive and correlational scope and an analytical scientific method. Conclusion: there is evidence that the clinical personality pattern that stands out is schizoid. A significant number of the population does not present cognitive impairment. The only significant and negative correlation is between cognitive impairment and the avoidant pattern.


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How to Cite
Santos Pazos , D. A., Guijarro Orozco, C. A., Cañas Lucendo, M., & Cando Pilatuña, R. I. (2023). Clinical patterns of personality and cognitive impairment in patients with headache. Anatomía Digital, 6(4.3), 454-467.
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