Genotyping of the human papillomavirus and types of cervix lesions in a public hospital in Durán.

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Marieta Stefania Moreira Pincay
Eric Gonzalo Baldeón Miranda
Ana Belén Arpi Alcívar
Julexy Loor Zambrano
Rebeka Soasty Vera


Introduction: currently one of the main diseases that affects the female population worldwide is cervical cancer, where the human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a central role, being one of the primary causes that trigger this pathology. Despite the fact that a certain number of women have the disease asymptomatically and may even present normal cytologies, it is through the genetic study of this virus that the viral genotype is determined, as well as the risks of developing neoplastic lesions. Method: the present study is quantitative, retrospective, retrospective cross-sectional, non-experimental design, observational, analytical and correlational method, whose objective was to establish the correlation between the HPV viral genotype with intraepithelial lesions in the cervix in women treated in the outpatient clinic. of Gynecology of the Durán Basic Hospital, in the period from January 2018 to October 2021 with cervical cytology examination and HPV genotyping. Results: the work included 100 patients who met the selection criteria, of which 55% were positive cases and 45% negative cases, of this positive percentage the prevalent genotypes were 16 (14%), 51, 42 ( 8%), 35 and 54 (6%). In addition, cytology revealed a higher incidence of low-grade intraepithelial lesions (53%) and high-grade intraepithelial lesions (19%) where the main genotypes affecting these women were high-risk in both classifications. Conclusions: HPV genotyping plays a very important role in guiding the physician regarding the clinical evolution of patients, as well as for proper management of the disease.


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How to Cite
Moreira Pincay, M. S., Baldeón Miranda, E. G., Arpi Alcívar, A. B., Loor Zambrano, J., & Soasty Vera, R. (2023). Genotyping of the human papillomavirus and types of cervix lesions in a public hospital in Durán. Anatomía Digital, 6(3.3), 26-41.
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