Application of the dental method of career for forensic identification. Relationship between actual and estimated height

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Joseline Elizabeth Brito Arízaga
Verónica Paulina Cáceres Manzano
María de los Angeles Galarza Pazmiño
Jorge Marcelo Quintana Yánez
Jessica Paola Machado


Forensic anthropology values several specific characteristics of the individual such as height, sex, racial pattern to individualize and identify corpses in rotting states or skeletal reduction phase, having as a premise a comparative study between premortem and postmortem information; The teeth, thanks to their anatomical disposition and composition, remain intact for prolonged periods of time, preserving transcendental information for identification. The objective of the research was to establish the height of a person based on the dimensions of the dental structures in the students of the third semester of the Dental Career of the National University of Chimborazo, where a quantitative cross-sectional, correlational research was conducted of hypothesis testing. Fifty study models were collected, in which the mesio-distal measurements of the lower anterior parts of both the right and left sides were determined. The data were recorded on a data collection sheet using the observation technique, applying the Carrea Method. After having performed a statistical analysis, it was concluded that there is no significant difference between the actual height and that obtained by the Carrea Method, making it a feasible formula for determining the height in the identification.


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How to Cite
Brito Arízaga, J. E., Cáceres Manzano, V. P., Galarza Pazmiño, M. de los A., Quintana Yánez, J. M., & Machado, J. P. (2022). Application of the dental method of career for forensic identification. Relationship between actual and estimated height. Anatomía Digital, 5(2), 110-124.

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