The methodological theoretical approach to methodological work in the institutions of higher education

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Pedro Cabrera Castillo
Ihosvany Noda Villazón
Lazara Nelida Silva Polledo
Madelaine Zamora González


The content reflects the differences between the theoretical approach that from the sciences of the didactics and from the dialectic logic are carried out on the methodological work in the institutions of Cuban higher education. The purpose of this work is to contribute to provide a deeper and more generalized theoretical-methodological vision on the methodological work that gives the Materialist Dialectic Logic that overcomes the limitations implied in the conception given by the Didactics and that has been used in the Cuban educative teaching process. Cardinal elements referred to basic concepts that defined that the integral formation of the new generations of professionals without the appropriation and instrumental use of an integral conception of scientific knowledge and on the social impact of this knowledge are addressed are discussed in this analysis. an integral mentality can only be acquired if the subject of the activity appropriates the theoretical foundations of the Materialist Dialectic Logic and uses it as a methodological theoretical point of view or perspective to elaborate a general strategy for the reflections and investigation of the subjects on the phenomena of social reality and for the transformation of this reality.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Castillo, P., Noda Villazón, I., Silva Polledo, L. N., & Zamora González, M. (2020). The methodological theoretical approach to methodological work in the institutions of higher education. Anatomía Digital, 3(2), 30-48.