Professional guidance booklet towards Medical Sciences careers: Health guides you

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Neida Loreta Ortiz Sánchez
Madelaine González Zamora
Mercedes Vásquez Lugo
Dialys Ángela Rodríguez González
Mileyvis Álvarez Aragón


Deciding which university career to opt for is a difficult choice. This situation creates fear of failure, disappointment of one's own and others', a feeling that is often habitual in the pre-university youth, which becomes a source of anxiety and stress. This demonstrates the need for adequate professional guidance. In Cuba, this theme is becoming very important, since a greater number of young people have the possibility of leaning towards a greater number of professions, so the decision on one or the other constitutes a problem of great practical and social repercussion.

Taking into account the identified orientation needs presented by both students and parents, the authors set out to: Prepare a booklet to contribute to professional orientation towards the careers of Medical Sciences. This booklet is intended to accompany students in the process of choosing a career related to Medical Sciences. By interacting with it, they will be able to search and find the answers to the doubts to make the best choice according to their aptitudes and interests.   



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How to Cite
Ortiz Sánchez, N. L., González Zamora, M., Vásquez Lugo , M., Rodríguez González, D. Ángela, & Álvarez Aragón, M. (2020). Professional guidance booklet towards Medical Sciences careers: Health guides you . Anatomía Digital, 3(1), 17-29.