Advances in genetic identification and DNA profile analysis in forensic biology

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Eliana del Consuelo de la Torre Núñez
Francisco Javier Ustariz Fajardo


Introduction: In the last decade, criminalistics has undergone a notorious strengthening, extending beyond forensic medicine into disciplines such as forensic biochemistry and molecular biology, reflecting the growing importance of these sciences in the legal field. Objective: To gather information on recent advances in genetic identification and DNA profiling in the field of forensic biology in order to understand their practical application and impact on the resolution of legal cases. Methodology: The research is documentary with an exploratory and descriptive scope, covering a wide range of sources, including scientific articles, books, and technical documents related to advances in genetic identification and DNA profiling in the field of forensic biology. Results: The research allowed the identification of important advances in genetics and DNA profiling analysis in forensic biology with practical and effective application in the forensic field. Conclusion: The study has allowed the exploration and analysis of a wide range of topics covering DNA structure, genetic profiling techniques, as well as the collection and preservation of biological samples, ethical and legal considerations associated with forensic biology.


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How to Cite
de la Torre Núñez, E. del C., & Ustariz Fajardo, F. J. (2024). Advances in genetic identification and DNA profile analysis in forensic biology. Anatomía Digital, 7(2.2), 222-239.
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