Treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in neonatology: status and future challenges

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Michael Lisbeth García Veloz
Carlos Alberto Leyva Proenza
María Belén Goyes Guerra
María Cristina Falconi Valencia


Introduction: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common anomaly in newborns, especially premature infants. It can lead to serious cardiac and pulmonary problems. Although treatments exist, the best way to manage it is still debated, and clearer guidelines for care are needed. Objective: To provide a comprehensive update on the management of patent ductus arteriosus in neonates. Methodology: A non-systematic narrative literature review was conducted of databases such as: PubMed, SciELO, Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, DynaMed, Science Direct, Cochrane and Anales de Pediatría de la Asociación Española. Results: A total of 64 results were found from which 30 papers were selected that met the inclusion criteria. Discussion: The management of PDA is with drugs such as indomethacin or ibuprofen, and when these do not work, surgery is recommended. New alternatives such as the use of paracetamol, percutaneous closure or combined therapy are currently being evaluated. Conclusion: In PDA, the effectiveness of medication and surgical interventions is highlighted, and long-term studies and personalized approaches have been found to be productive.


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How to Cite
García Veloz, M. L., Leyva Proenza, C. A., Goyes Guerra, M. B., & Falconi Valencia, M. C. (2024). Treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in neonatology: status and future challenges. Anatomía Digital, 7(3.1), 89-103.
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