Food and nutrition education from the teaching-learning process of Human Anatomy and Physiology

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Adriel Luis Lima Rodríguez
Amado Lorenzo Hernández Barrenechea
Luis Ernesto Martínez González
Yany Leidys Laguardia Alfonso


The recognition of the direct link between many diseases that humans currently suffer from, with their eating habits and customs, constitutes an aspect of vital importance in maintaining health. The school becomes an ideal setting to contribute to food and nutrition education from the teaching-learning process. The teaching-learning process of the discipline Human Anatomy and Physiology in the Bachelor of Education career. Biology has the potential to contribute to food and nutritional education in the training of biology teachers. The objective is to describe the potentialities of the teaching-learning process of the Human Anatomy and Physiology discipline to contribute to food and nutritional education in the training of Biology teachers. Among the methods of science used are the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive and the study of documents.


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How to Cite
Lima Rodríguez, A. L., Hernández Barrenechea, A. L., Martínez González, L. E., & Laguardia Alfonso, Y. L. (2021). Food and nutrition education from the teaching-learning process of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Anatomía Digital, 4(2), 30-39.