The development of physical activity with obese adults of the Nueva Paz Municipality

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Daylen de la C Domínguez Sánchez
Laura Diaz Torres
Glenda González Calzadilla
Meibis Morgados Martínez
Nilian González del Pino


The poor training of physical culture teachers does not allow physical activity to develop adequately with obese adults. This problem determined the scientific problem of this research. How to favor the preparation of teachers of physical culture for the development of physical activity with obese adults of the Nueva Paz Municipality? The objective of this research that responds to the scientific problem was: Develop workshops for the training of teachers of physical culture for the development of physical activity with obese adults of the Nueva Paz Municipality. The workshops were selected, after studying various organizational forms of teacher training, taking into account that they, from their own dynamics, stimulate the role of independent study individually, independently self-evaluate during the course of their teaching process. A total of seven workshops were planned. The facilitator is the researcher, the participants are all the physical culture teachers to whom the proposed workshops will be applied. To evaluate the efficiency of the workshops, a type of evaluation is chosen that will focus on the process, progress and results.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Sánchez, D. de la C., Diaz Torres, L., González Calzadilla, G., Morgados Martínez, M., & González del Pino, N. (2020). The development of physical activity with obese adults of the Nueva Paz Municipality. Anatomía Digital, 3(1), 30-45.