Google Sites como estrategia didáctica en el aprendizaje del movimiento rectilíneo variado

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Christian Vinicio Cola Chiguano
René Franklin Codena Cantuña
Edgar Castillo Cruz
Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz


Introduction: this study focuses on the use of Google Sites as an innovative didactic strategy to improve the learning of the Uniformly Varied Rectilinear Movement MRUV, in first year high school students of the Liceo Naval Quito educational unit, during the second quarter of the academic period 2023 – 2024. Objectives: design a website using Google Sites to improve students' learning of the MRUV. Implement the B-learning didactic strategy, using Google Sites and the support of the PhET digital simulator as a technological innovation tool and evaluate its effectiveness in improving academic performance. Methodology: the methodological approach used was "Blended learning". This pedagogical strategy integrates in-person instruction with digital activities and resources, to take advantage of the benefits of both learning environments. For this, the descriptive and inferential method was applied where data was collected through a quantitative test conducted on Google Sites. The statistical software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used and tests of differences in means, and normality were conducted to determine if there is significant variation between the results of the Pre-test and Post-test, as well as the acceptance of the proposed hypothesis. Results: descriptive: the application of the physics pre test conducted on the forty students was 6.02 / 10 and after using the Google Sites teaching strategy, the post test results were 7.68 / 10, which indicates a positive result. of the teaching strategy implemented. Inferential: with the application of the SPSS statistical software to the collected Pre-test and Post-test values, the normality test was performed, resulting in the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, establishing acceptance of the proposed hypothesis. Conclusions: the implementation of Google Sites as a teaching strategy is effective in improving the understanding and performance of first year Baccalaureate students at the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit. General area of ​​study: Education. Specific area of ​​study: Physics and Mathematics. Type of study: original.


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Como Citar
Cola Chiguano, C. V., Codena Cantuña, R. F., Castillo Cruz, E., & Maliza Cruz, W. I. (2024). Google Sites como estrategia didáctica en el aprendizaje del movimiento rectilíneo variado. ConcienciaDigital, 7(3.1), 151-170.


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