Digital transformation at hacienda La Ciénega: best practices in project management

Introduction: The scientific article addresses the digital transformation within management, as a tool to promote the development of the La Ciénega farm, especially in the importance of international alliances to take advantage of the growth in sales in the service offered by the company. Digital technologies can contribute to improving productivity, through a focused approach with the company's collaborators in such a way that business efficiency is promoted in each of the processes. Through the real experience that was the Covid-19 pandemic, it allowed us to discover the importance of digital transformation within the workplace since this experience taught the different ways of communication with the digital transformation of different countries. Hacienda la Ciénega has entered an economic crisis since the coronavirus with limited growth potential and few customer visits. Digital transformation, whether a company or a service provider, must respond to the changing needs of its clients or market trends, to obtain satisfied clients in the service offered by Hacienda la Ciénega, and must also reconstruct the dynamics of the organizations and being able to adapt to the needs of the present and the future. Objective: Under the considerations described above, the objective of this research is to design a digital transformation methodology applicable to Hacienda La Ciénega that promotes business efficiency in each of the processes. Methodology: The research was non-experimental and numerical and statistical data, as well as non-numerical information, were collected and analyzed. Results: The results show that 35.8% of those surveyed affirm that digital transformation is applied throughout the organization and in an integrated manner, while 64.2% indicate that, although there is application, it is limited to some areas or departments. Conclusions: In conclusion, digital transformation has made it clear that it is more than a simple adoption of technology; It is a fundamental change in the way organizations operate and deliver considerable value in improving the experience of their customers.  General study area: Business Administration. Specific study area: Project direction and management

Betty Fernanda Toaquiza Toaquiza, Mario Enrique Tapia Tapia, Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Feasibility study of training programs for women of Fundación Avanzar in Cuenca, Ecuador.

Introduction: The evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs for women, such as those of the Fundación Avanza, is crucial to empower beneficiaries and ensure the success of their enterprises. This study seeks to establish the effectiveness of these programs, addressing a wide variety of issues of importance for women’s entrepreneurship and ensuring adequate decision-making. Objective: To evaluate the viability of the training programs for women of the Fundación Avanzar in Cuenca, Ecuador, in order to improve their skills, competencies and opportunities in personal and professional development. Methodology: We used a nonexperimental research design of transversal and descriptive nature, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. A sample of 70 female entrepreneurs benefiting from the 2023 period was analyzed, evaluating satisfaction, impact on entrepreneurship and training preferences. Results: The programs received high satisfaction ratings, especially in areas such as Marketing and Patronage. The training demonstrated a significant impact on the improvement of the enterprises, with a notable reduction in the rate of failures in the enterprises among the trained participants. The preference for women is for mixed courses covering technical skills, personal development and entrepreneurship management. Conclusions: The training programs implemented are effective in improving the skills and success of women’s enterprises. However, obstacles such as lack of support and fear of failure were identified. It is recommended that programmes be adapted to meet the changing needs of women entrepreneurs.

Daniela Angelica Tepan Cochancela, Edwin Joselito Vasquez Erazo , Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Practical applications of emotional intelligence in business coaching

Objectives: Emotional intelligence directly influences job performance. The study of this work tries to identify the close link that exists between emotional intelligence and business coaching, in order to improve the performance and development of skills of the leaders and teams in the Jardín Azuayo Savings and Credit Cooperative of the Paute office. Therefore, the aim is to determine the key competencies that business leaders and teams must develop to improve performance and effectiveness. Methodology: The research was carried out using the analytical – synthetic method, qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to collect and analyze the data. A non-experimental approach was used. The study had a descriptive and transversal scope. Results: The sampling was specifically at the Jardín Azuayo Savings and Credit Cooperative of the Paute office, where there are 31 collaborators distributed among: agency head, cooperative advisors, cashiers and other personnel who work in the cooperative. The findings show that the majority of employees recognize and value the cooperative´s efforts to foster empathy emotional understanding, an open and respectful communication climate, and the implementation of business coaching practices. Conclusions: Emotional intelligence involves skills such as: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills, which are key factors for personal and professional success. The practical application of emotional intelligence through business coaching generates benefits for the cooperative such as the potential for staff performance, improving interpersonal relationships, more cohesive leaders, improving customer service and increasing satisfaction and commitment. General study Area: Business Administration. Specific study area: Human talent.

María Patricia Llivisupa Segarra, Diego Patricio Cisneros Quintanilla, Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Proposal for the Implementation of a DMF Approach for Document Management at Cooperativa JEP

Introduction: Effective document management constitutes a central element in the functioning of any organization, and JEP Ltda. is no exception. In the current context, where information is regarded as a strategic asset, the ability to access, store, and manage documents efficiently becomes a determinant for organizational performance. Objective: To evaluate a Modern Document Management Approach (DMF) in Cooperativa JEP to enhance efficiency in document handling, optimizing access, organization, and security. Methodology: The study was characterized by a quantitative approach, employing a survey adapted from Caspi and Porras (2015); and Manrique and García (2023), directed at 137 employees and managers, out of a total population of 250 individuals in the cooperative. Results: The survey analysis reveals a positive attitude towards the adoption of advanced technologies in document management, with 67.9% expecting time savings. There is strong support for the implementation of a document management system (97% agreement), and document retrieval is mostly quick, although there is room for improvement. The integration of digital platforms is moderate, and cybersecurity is highly valued, with 69.2% considering it very important. Conclusión: The analysis of document management in Cooperativa JEP identified several challenges, including information disorganization, inefficiency in document retrieval, and lack of technological integration, suggesting the need to enhance search efficiency through team training and the appropriate application of digital technological tools.

Silvia Patricia Godos Rosales, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega , Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Rural tourism management model in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque

Introduction. The management model of rural tourism in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque is of vital importance to improve tourist activities and promote economic development. Rural tourism, which has consolidated in Ecuador in recent decades, is an important source of economic and social development. The Kichwa community of Pandanuque, situated in a culturally and naturally rich environment, is a potential tourist destination that could benefit from an effective management model to optimize the well-being of its inhabitants. Objective. The general objective of this research is to design an integral management model for rural tourism in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque that promotes sustainable development and improves the quality of life of the inhabitants. Methodology. The research focuses on the economically active population of the Kichwa community of Pandanuque. It is non-experimental and cross-sectional in nature. Data were collected through surveys of 86 people, using quantitative and qualitative techniques. The responses were analyzed to identify the perception of the management model and rural tourism. Results. The results show that the majority of respondents consider rural tourism crucial for the economic development of Pandanuque. Handicrafts stand out as the main opportunity for economic development, followed by sustainable tourism. Regarding tourist attractions, gastronomic tourism is the most relevant. The community strongly supports the implementation of an effective management model to maximize the benefits of rural tourism and ensure its sustainability. Conclusion. The Kichwa community of Pandanuque has great tourist potential that, with an adequate management model, can be developed to boost economic development and enhance the living conditions of its inhabitants. Gastronomic and community tourism are presented as the main attractions, and handicrafts stand out as a viable opportunity for economic progress. General area of study: Business Administration. Specific area of study: Project Management

Yessenia Silvana Manya Grefa, Guido Olivier Erazo Alvarez, Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade
