Promote Tourist Attractions in Guayaquil

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Efrain Velasteguí López


To promote and promote tourist sites in the municipality of La Maná belonging to the province of Cotopaxi, it seeks to identify the products offered by the sector for the tourist development of the canton and the province to arrive at the elaboration of an integral tourist development plan together to the other cantons of the province, prior to a diagnosis of the tourism infrastructure provided by the attractions located in the canton and the activities they propose for the distraction and recreation of its population and visitors, in addition to studying the possibility of new alternatives of activities and innovative businesses oriented to tourism as an alternative economic activity to which the canton owns by tradition which would contribute to the general economic progress thus benefiting the population that inhabits it. Throughout the development of the investigation, the steps to be followed are described.


For the analysis of the place, the population, products offered and the possible products that can be implemented according to the progress of the proposal which leads us to obtain an integral work which reveals the wonders offered by the La Maná song and what is missing to offer, as well as what should be improved to become one of the tourist destinations of greater affluence in Ecuador.

Under this concept, the idea of promoting the tourist development of the city of La Maná based on the creation of sustainable micro businesses, which have a low environmental impact and do not deteriorate the environment is born.


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How to Cite
Velasteguí López, E. (2019). Promote Tourist Attractions in Guayaquil. ConcienciaDigital, 2(4), 66-77.


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