Anxiety in professional soccer referees before being physically evaluated

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René Fabián Marín Inca
Wilson Hernando Bravo Navarro


Introduction. To direct professional soccer matches, it is necessary for the referee to have a proficient level of physical and mental preparation, because the effort they make is like that of the players; however, precompetitive anxiety refers to a type of Immediate emotional state anxiety, which can be modifiable over time. Objective. The present study aimed to analyze the degree of pre-competitive anxiety of soccer referees before being physically evaluated using the Sports Coping Approach Questionnaire (ACSQ-1).) to know the impact of anxiety on referees. Methodology. A non-experimental-cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach was used. 106 first category referees, series A and B, were taken as a sample. To measure pre-competitive anxiety, the Approach to Coping in Sports Questionnaire and the results of the physical evaluation by the National Commission of Referees of Ecuador 2023 were applied. Results. The results indicated that precompetitive anxiety minimally affects the evaluation of the physical tests of the referees and referees, good management of the emotional load was found and that the referees are active in their planning. It was also found that most of the sample passed the 6 x 40 speed and resistance test. Conclusion. demonstrating excellent physical condition. General study area. Sport. Specific study area. Physical training.


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How to Cite
Marín Inca, R. F., & Bravo Navarro, W. H. (2023). Anxiety in professional soccer referees before being physically evaluated . ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.2), 109-125.


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