Quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of its actors, case of graduates in the Marketing Career of the UEB

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Christian Fernando Barragán Quizhpe
Paola Estefanía Albán Trujillo
Patricia de Lourdes León Monar
Fidel Alberto Castro Berio


Introduction. The article argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on higher education, affecting everyday life and the functioning of academic and administrative activities. In this context, a case study is conducted at Bolívar State University to establish the correlation between the quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of graduates in the Marketing program, through the dimensions of relevance and learning, significance and communication, and effectiveness and administrative management. The goal is to establish strategies that ensure satisfaction in the quality of academic processes. Objective. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between the quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of graduates from the Marketing program at Bolívar State University (UEB) during the period from November 2021 to March 2022. Analytical dimensions will be established covering relevance and learning, significance, and communication, as well as effectiveness and administrative management of said program at UEB. Methodology. A descriptive and cross-sectional correlational study is conducted, using a survey-type evaluative questionnaire validated by expert educators. For the analysis, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient based on standardized items is employed, as well as the Spearman's Rho statistic. Results. A positive correlation of medium magnitude was found, involving 80% of the graduates and degree-seeking students from the Marketing program at Bolívar State University between academic quality and graduate satisfaction in Marketing, emphasizing the importance of maintaining educational excellence. Bolívar State University demonstrated resilience by successfully adapting to virtual education during the pandemic. Effective communication and efficient administrative management were key factors in the educational experience. Conclusion. The study highlights Bolívar State University's successful adaptation to virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating a consistent learning curve and minimizing adaptation challenges. Additionally, a positive and significant correlation was found between the quality of the academic process and graduate satisfaction in the Marketing program, underscoring the importance of maintaining educational excellence. Effective institutional and program-level communication plays a crucial role in student satisfaction, and efficient administrative management has been a key factor in the educational experience. These results indicate a positive trajectory, but continued investment in improving educational quality is recommended to maintain elevated levels of satisfaction and institutional excellence.


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How to Cite
Barragán Quizhpe, C. F., Albán Trujillo, P. E., León Monar, P. de L., & Castro Berio, F. A. (2022). Quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of its actors, case of graduates in the Marketing Career of the UEB. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3), 297-317. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i3.2765


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