Energy efficiency and adaptive comfort. Sustainable design strategies applicable in Cuenca implementing the CEELA points

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Giomar Samantha Argudo Domínguez
Jorge Fernando Toledo Toledo


The following study addresses the existing problems in the construction sector at the local level, translated into high carbon emissions into the environment, high operational energy expenditure and, finally, the meager concern on the part of builders and professionals to address the issue. The foregoing demands the need to find sustainable design strategies with high applicability and viability in the study context, the city of Cuenca (Ecuador). For this purpose, a qualitative-descriptive method is used, supported by a bibliographical review, analysis of local references, study of urban and atmospheric factors typical of the context, consultation with local active construction agents and, as a primary value axis, the expert judgement. In summary, the use of thermal insulation of the envelope, materials with high thermal mass, control of proportion and location of windows, physical and visual relationship with green areas, elements that filter sunlight and shade generators, are defined as fundamental points to be considered. consider for adaptive comfort and energy efficiency in the study context. Finally, it is emphasized that sustainable design strategies were applicable in Cuenca. At the same time, basic factors are elucidated that will be useful to propose new strategies.


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How to Cite
Argudo Domínguez, G. S., & Toledo Toledo, J. F. (2023). Energy efficiency and adaptive comfort. Sustainable design strategies applicable in Cuenca implementing the CEELA points. ConcienciaDigital, 6(2), 26-47.


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