Implementation processes of a document manager

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Mireya Alexandra Calderón Curipoma
Jorge Lugo García
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


One of the objectives that are part of higher education is to improve the academic and administrative service to all its students, teachers and officials, in this sense, implement a document management system, helps to optimize university processes and implements data management policies. documents such as: legitimacy, temporality, traceability based on digital environments for subsequent registration (archive) that serves as an interactive repository for editing and consultation, in this context, what this study proposes is to provide an implementation guide from a methodological aspect of a document manager, which serves as a transversal axis for business models that seek to improve their organizational processes, the communication of their internal and external clients and their productivity, consequently, for the design of this methodological base, the survey of the archival situation and documentary management, later techniques were used techniques of documentary analysis and interview, finally, when processing the information, problems of conservation and storage of the documentary collection, delay in retrieving documents for internal and external user consultations, duplication of information and unnecessary information were evidenced, so that, The various scenarios of document management were considered and through prototyping the bases were established for the total implementation of the processes studied, in conclusion, the effective review and direction of the generated documents and the proposed methodology allowed coordinated work in academic fields. -administrative of the academic unit used as a case study.


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How to Cite
Calderón Curipoma, M. A., Lugo García, J., & Ormaza Andrade, J. E. (2023). Implementation processes of a document manager. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.3), 201-221.


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