Methodological proposal for the management of road projects in the southern zone of Ecuador

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Adrián Geovanny Ortega Rivas
Carlos Alberto Flores Vásquez
Pablo Tiberio Vázquez Quiroz


This article addresses the problem of road project management because, the methodology, the lack of planning and the lack of management do not respond to the technical and economic point of view of the project, generating delays in the schedules and cost overruns. It is necessary to understand that the quality of communication routes of a territory is part of an important factor for the development of the country or region, and it is essential to improve the processes that allow their construction, because if the land routes are in good condition, they favor the population that benefits from the mobility of people, goods and services. For this research, the experimental method was used, through an interview with a structured questionnaire to obtain the results required for the formulation of the proposed methodology, which is expected to contribute effectively to the construction companies that adopt it. This was created based on international standards and methodologies management models that are applied worldwide, to correct in time, the inconveniences presented and avoid further delays that generate inconveniences to users and that, in the same way, produce cost overruns. It is also hoped that this study will serve as a guide for future projects, especially road projects and other civil works.


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How to Cite
Ortega Rivas, A. G., Flores Vásquez, C. A., & Vázquez Quiroz, P. T. (2023). Methodological proposal for the management of road projects in the southern zone of Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.3), 73-96.


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