Gamification in the teaching of spelling in students of the sixth year of basic education

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Ángela Viviana Guamán Paida
María Isabel Álvarez Lozano


In this research work we focus on the application of the use of video games as a motivating and playful educational tool during the learning process. The objective of this study is to determine the incidence of gamification in the teaching of spelling in students in the sixth year of basic education at the Carolina de Febres Cordero school, with a population of 21 participants. The work is of a quasi-experimental type, with a longitudinal cohort approach, with a quantitative measurement, the technique to be used will be the written test applied in two times in a pretest and a post. Genially is the platform used to develop interactive presentations and games with different animations, enriching content and practice, resulting in significant changes in terms of linguistic training, improving your writing in a pleasant and lasting way?


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How to Cite
Guamán Paida, Ángela V., & Álvarez Lozano, M. I. (2022). Gamification in the teaching of spelling in students of the sixth year of basic education. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4), 73-91.


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