Citizen participation and administrative management of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Ambato

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Eliana Mercedes Rivera Herrera
Telmo Diego Proaño Córdova


The importance of citizen participation in the management of public administration lies in the fact that it seeks to obtain an inclusive and participatory government with its constituents, establishing whether it complies with what is established in the precepts determined in the Ecuadorian regulations on citizen participation, Obtaining a general idea of ​​citizens' compliance with the administrative management of the municipal GAD authorities Ambato, in this way it seeks to make the information of the public institution transparent, with this, it is promoted to reduce cases of corruption, such as the execution of processes with surcharges, awarding of contracts to contracting entities that do not meet the requirements demanded by the contract bases or did not follow the process established in public purchases or non-compliance with the participatory budget, among other things, due to the existence of greater citizen oversight, thus obtaining a service with acceptable quality standards and may execution of works for the benefit of the community with an acceptable degree of effectiveness, in order to establish the level of citizen participation in administrative management, a survey was applied to the population, taking into account parameters such as: electoral participation, informative participation, citizen participation , civic participation, associative participation, and administrative management.


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How to Cite
Rivera Herrera, E. M., & Proaño Córdova , T. D. (2022). Citizen participation and administrative management of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Ambato. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2.1), 204-221.


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