Application of new technologies for the teaching of primary school students

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Orlando Patricio Bonilla Colcha
María Fernanda Fierro Zúñiga
Mariela Cecilia Tenesaca Asadobay
María de Lourdes Domínguez Domínguez


The general objective is to analyze the application of new technologies for primary teaching-learning. The methodology was based on a documentary-type bibliographic design. The implementation of new technologies has been affected in recent years by the effect of COVID-19 where the entire process of using new technologies was slow and underestimated by most educational centers, including primary schools, which have had to assume these changes in the new realities that have arisen in recent years, although it seeks to return to a normality similar to what it was before the pandemic, there are changes that seem irreversible, since social dynamics demand it, Primary school students born into a highly technological generation called centenialls with an Internet content management environment and computers leave formal education unattractive and this represents a danger in the face of this conventional primary education with conservative teaching techniques. Equipment, infrastructure, software updating, are investments that educational centers and regional and national governments need to make. the virtual classroom platforms that already existed at the time of the pandemic were quickly modernized and made known. In this sense, to face this new reality, investigations, updates, endowments were carried out, in order to adapt the programmatic contents of primary education, and at all levels, to the modality of virtual education or e-learning, as it is also known. known.


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How to Cite
Bonilla Colcha, O. P., Fierro Zúñiga, M. F., Tenesaca Asadobay, M. C., & Domínguez Domínguez, M. de L. (2022). Application of new technologies for the teaching of primary school students. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 180-196.


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