Inclusive education in Ecuador. Identification of characteristics in teachers

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Clara Cecilia Guzmán Jordán
Diana del Rocío Valle Gavilanes


Introduction. Current educational models are characterized by being egalitarian and highly structured. The Ecuadorian educational system contemplates international inclusion guidelines; however, there are still teachers who do not have the necessary skills to handle educational scenarios with students with special educational needs. Target. Identify the characteristics that teachers of the Literature career of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the University of Guayaquil have in relation to inclusive education. Methodology. A descriptive, exploratory research was developed, with a field design, not experimental, assuming the quantitative approach. The population was 39 teachers. For data collection, the survey technique was used, and a questionnaire was applied as an instrument, sent to the participants through Google Forms. Results. It was obtained that 43.59% of the teachers believed that they always care about continuous training; 48.72%; he only sometimes listens to his students; 53.85% investigate the needs of their students; however, 48.72% never propose individualized actions to address these needs; 69.23% always seek to defend the dignity of the human being; but, 58.97% never work spirituality. Conclution. The characteristics that the teachers studied have are: 1. they seek to defend the dignity of the human being, followed by 2. recognition of their own defects or shortcomings, and 3. their concern for continuous training. Of the twelve characteristics that an inclusive teacher must have, only three meet, consequently, a training plan must be designed and implemented in such a way that these teachers can solve these shortcomings.


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Guzmán Jordán, C. C., & Valle Gavilanes, D. del R. (2022). Inclusive education in Ecuador. Identification of characteristics in teachers. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 69-87.


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