Virtual education as a key to educational quality in the career of administrative sciences

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Daniel Xavier Fiallo Moncayo
Jesús Merino Velásquez
Wayky Alfredo Luy Navarrete


Introduction. Humanity has been changing and in recent decades this change has been accelerated, which is why education, being one of the activities of human endeavor, has also evolved over time, according to the conditions of humanity. and to those thinkers and tireless fighters who do not conform, seek to renew the educational process that allows a better way of learning and teaching. Objective. Determine how virtual education allows the development of academic quality in the careers of the Bachelor's Degrees in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Methodology. A non-experimental methodology was used with a sample made up of 1327 participants between teachers and students from the different careers of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil. Results. The learning curve that teachers and students had to overcome, the intermittence of the internet service and the crashes of the University's educational system, as well as the need to reinforce cognitive gaps, policies and procedures in this new online modality, were evidenced. Conclution. Educational quality was affected by the educational model since the curricular process underwent profound changes, especially in careers that required a greater practical component; and due to the technological infrastructure that failed to meet the demand both in online technical support and in the proper use of the entire virtual environment.


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How to Cite
Fiallo Moncayo, D. X., Merino Velásquez, J., & Luy Navarrete, W. A. (2022). Virtual education as a key to educational quality in the career of administrative sciences. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 113-130.


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