Application of phytoremediation techniques in soils contaminated with lead and cadmium

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María Soledad Núñez Moreno


The article aims to analyze applications of phytoremediation techniques in soils contaminated with lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), to select a potential vegetal specie that, planted in degraded soils, allows the absorption of the mentioned metals. For this, concepts such as bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) were applied to phytoremediation processes. In the development of the research, the characteristics of the soil, type of compost or organic amendment, methodology and data evaluation were presented; of the phytoremediation processes through the vegetal species Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Corn, Pennisetum Setaceum and Tradescantia Pallida; planted in different types of soil. Once the data was evaluated, it was analyzed with the species Lolium Perenne, Corn and Tradescantia Pallida, since they presented the best properties. As a result of the application of phytoremediation techniques in the three species, it is obtained that the Tradescantia pallida plant has values of total concentration of Pb of 330,9 mg/kg and Cd 21,23 mg/kg, FBCroot of 0,92 and FT of 0,53 for Pb, FBCroot of 22,1 and FT of 0,2 for Cd; achieved the best properties to retain Pb and Cd by the phytostabilization technique, compared to corn plants and Tradescantia pallida. The vegetal specie Tradescantia pallida, although it was sown in an anthropogenic soil with a high content of contamination, since it was an old open-air garbage dump, it accumulated values of Pb concentration in the aerial part of 114,1 mg/ kg and Cd in the root of 17,03 mg/kg, which in comparison with the other vegetal species investigated, have a better concentration of metals, therefore, it can be selected for the remediation of soils contaminated with Pb and Cd.


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How to Cite
Núñez Moreno, M. S. (2022). Application of phytoremediation techniques in soils contaminated with lead and cadmium. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 6-25.


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