Proposal, sustainable mobility indicators for the city of Cuenca, Ecuador

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Christian Fabián Guerrero Dumas
César Maldonado Noboa
Deisy Katerine Reyes Rodas
Marco Ávila Calle


Introduction. Today, sustainable development plays an important part in cities that have the particularity of being fast-growing economies and medium-sized populations, such as the city of Cuenca. Among several goals of sustainable development, the following exploratory-descriptive research focuses on sustainable mobility. Goal. To have a proposal for indicators, a review and analysis of the following methodological guidelines was conducted: 1. 3.ª Edition BID: Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative., 2.ISO 37120: Sustainable Development of Communities and 3. Sustainable Development Goal 11, basic documents that are the starting point for this research. In the same way, the following evaluation tools were studied: 1.  BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method), 2. CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency) y 3. LEED v4.1 (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design). As a complement, a review of a case study called: Evaluation of urban transport and impacts of COVID-19 on mobility of the United Nations ESCAP was also conducted. Methodology. The determination of the proposal of indicators was conducted through a score with criteria of sufficiency, clarity, relevance, and coherence, this was made out by a judgment of experts, who did the analysis and put the score. Results. Proposing a total of sixteen indicators, these were obtained from the approved forty-three that were selected from the initial study of the mentioned bibliography. Conclusions. All the proposed indicators are important since the majority achieve a high score according to the highlighted criteria. Three indicators of relevance were evaluated, the same ones that, based on their calculated value, allowed the appreciation of sustainability compliance, medium sustainability, and non-sustainability in the city of Cuenca.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Dumas, C. F., Maldonado Noboa, C., Reyes Rodas , D. K., & Ávila Calle, M. (2022). Proposal, sustainable mobility indicators for the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.2), 46-65.


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