Neurolinguistic programming in the covid-19 crisis an approach for the development of productive skills in teaching English language in Ecuador

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Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo
Carlos Enrique Proaño Rodríguez
Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes
Narcisa de Jesús Mena Garzón


Education has undergone important changes, even more since the end of 2019 when a global pandemic begins that undoubtedly affects the teaching and learning of the English language in Ecuador, the primary objective of this research was to determine the influence of neurolinguistics programming on development of Productive skills in times of pandemic, given that students cannot express themselves correctly orally and in writing in their usual virtual classes today, using incorrect phrases with little use of vocabulary and without understanding, which shows low self-esteem and interest in learning English. Shame and fear of making a mistake without understanding on the part of the teacher and classmates are other important aspects when making a comment or starting a dialogue. In this context, it was proposed to carry out the present experimentation with 30 students. For this study, a single group design was adopted before and after the test using a quantitative methodology carried out in the era of the pandemic. The problems of the students in the development of productive skills were evaluated using the SPSS statistical program, applying the Student's T or Statistical related tests. Based on the results of the pre-test, neurolinguistic strategies (anchoring, creating a relationship, mirroring, maintaining flow) were applied for 4 weeks in face-to-face and virtual English classes due to the covid 19 pandemic. At the end of the experimentation , a post-test, and the results of the study revealed that the students, through neurolinguistic programming, presented significant improvements in the productive skills of the English language, highlighting that the use of the aforementioned strategies positively helps the Acquisition of a second language, especially in the way they express themselves in English, giving them greater freedom and confidence when issuing an oral and written comment in a second language


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How to Cite
Andrade Naranjo, D. S., Proaño Rodríguez, C. E., Carvajal Gavilanes, A. K., & Mena Garzón, N. de J. (2023). Neurolinguistic programming in the covid-19 crisis an approach for the development of productive skills in teaching English language in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 1132-1145.


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