Contributions from neuroscience, a transformed perspective for the classroom

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Verónica Adriana Freire Palacios
Mentor Javier Sánchez Guerrero
Willyams Rodrigo Castro Dávila
Jorge Luis Armijos Carrión


Introduction: At present, the field of Neurosciences has generated significant progress emphasizing the study of cognitive processes, thus giving rise to the birth of disciplines in various branches of scientific knowledge. Among these disciplines, neuroeducation and neurodidactics stand out, and their contributions are of utmost importance for teachers who seek to base their pedagogical practice on how the brain works and responds in the classroom.  Objective: The objective of this article is to carry out a broad literature review of the last 5 years, in articles of impact of different authors, to analyze the particularities of the definitions starting from the meaning of neuroscience and its relationship with other sciences.  Methodology: Theoretical and empirical research methods were used, as analytical-synthetic in the systematization of the exhaustive review of the main foundations that support this work. Results: A summary of the different articles reviewed is shown, indicating which journal they correspond to, stating their authors and the year of publication. Conclusions: Finally, we conclude on the importance of these contributions and how they guide the teaching role and educational practices to enable the achievement of significant learning in the classroom, of course including the concepts, precepts and theory reviewed in this work.


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How to Cite
Freire Palacios, V. A., Sánchez Guerrero, M. J., Castro Dávila, W. R., & Armijos Carrión, J. L. (2023). Contributions from neuroscience, a transformed perspective for the classroom. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 918-930.


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