Levels of physical activity and obesity by gender in schoolchildren from the city of Ambato-Ecuador

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Gabriela Alexandra Villalba Garzón
Blanca Rocío Moreta Criollo
Rosita Gabriela Flores Robalino
Edison Andrés Castro Pantoja


Introduction: This research was carried out to determine the levels of physical activity and obesity by gender in students from the city of Ambato-Ecuador.  Objective. To identify the levels of physical activity and obesity in students in the city of Ambato, Ecuador. Methodology.  The research is a quantitative approach of the basic model type applied by non-experimental methods and cross-sectional field design, applying analytical methods as the basis of theoretical research and deductive methods, to obtain results and draw conclusions the descriptive method was applied. For data collection, two tools were used, the PAQ-A questionnaire and the BMI, which were used through the Google Forms application to 211 students from various educational institutions in Ambato. After data collection, the proposed hypothesis was tested. Result.  The main results show the levels of physical activity and obesity in the students of the different educational establishments of the Ambato-Tungurahua Canton, since when analyzing each one, the risks they can cause in health were detected, which is why the importance of physical activity and food is promoted.  Conclusions.  The level of Physical Activity in the students was identified, determining that in relation to the levels of very low, moderate and intense physical activity, the results obtained were lower compared to the low level which is the most prevalent between the two genders. The levels of obesity in the students of Ambato-Tungurahua during the period May-August 2021 were evaluated, establishing that the values between the female and male gender have similar values in relation to BMI.


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Villalba Garzón, G. A., Moreta Criollo, B. R., Flores Robalino, R. G., & Castro Pantoja, E. A. (2023). Levels of physical activity and obesity by gender in schoolchildren from the city of Ambato-Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 701-719. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.4.2023


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