Playful Games to Improve Gross Motor Skills in Children from 4 to 5 years old

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Danny Paul Landa Pico
Gerson Stalin Chiliquinga Sifas
Gissela Alexandra Arroba López
Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco


Introduction. Human development is characterized by fulfilling different specific processes that are given through growth, within these the most basic ones like walking, jogging, running, rising are distinctive because they are within the thick motor development, this is a fundamental axis for the child to have autonomy of movement, and it is also said that the foundation that motivates infants is play. This research is about correlating how the use of recreational activities, which take the form of specific games, can help children improve thick motor development by being related to the ability of the child to move. as well as how these techniques can be used within the school educational process. Objective. To analyze the relationship between play and the gross motor development of children between 4 and 5 years of age. Methodology. The present research has a descriptive character, with a qualitative approach, which is based on a bibliographic review that allows to understand the influence of recreational activities about the development of gross motor. Results. It has been demonstrated that the use of recreational activities has a direct relationship with the gross motor development of children, thus being seen as a fundamental factor to be applied to improve autonomy, development of movement and coordination in children of the proposed age.


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How to Cite
Landa Pico, D. P., Chiliquinga Sifas, G. S., Arroba López, G. A., & Ballesteros Casco, T. Y. (2023). Playful Games to Improve Gross Motor Skills in Children from 4 to 5 years old. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 489-505.


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