The parental relationship and the development of literacy in students at the basic education school "Fe y Alegría" of the canton Ambato
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Introduction. Due to the change and the modality that is currently used, parents have taken the leading role in the education of their children, being they who play a role of teaching tutor within the homes. Target. To establish the influence of the parental relationship in the development of Literacy in third-year students of E.G.B of the basic education school "Fe y Alegría" of the Ambato canton. Methodology. For the fulfillment of this research work, bibliographic information was thought to support the proposed variables. Thus, it has a qualitative and quantitative approach with a descriptive and correlational level; In addition, for the collection of information, a questionnaire for parents validated by experts and the application of the LEE test was produced, the expected population is third-year students of E.G.B. parallels "A and B" with a total of 46 students. Results. The results show that the parental relationship influences the development of literacy, specifically if the parents carry out activities that promote and encourage the development of the same skill; the data were submitted to the SPS-S software for hypothesis validation using Kendall's Tau-B cross-tables statistician. Conclusion. It was concluded that parents who made a plan for the development of literacy achieved that their children have greater ability to read and write which is evidenced by the quality and fluency of this process.
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