Typical gastronomy as a cultural identity

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Karina Patricia Llerena Oñate
Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez Guerrero
Vanessa Catalina Lizano Saltos
Dayana Micaela Ruíz Villegas


Introduction. Currently the typical gastronomy is considered an important heritage for the development of tourism, the tasting of typical dishes generates a cultural and sensorial experience where diners have a connection with the gastronomy of the area. Objective. Analyze the typical gastronomy as a cultural identity of the inhabitants of Pelileo. Methodology. The research had a mixed design, that is, quantitative using a questionnaire as a tool and qualitative using the registration forms of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (INPC) with a field study. The questionnaire was sent to 383 inhabitants of Pelileo, the questionnaire was prepared on the Google forms platform and a reliability analysis was carried out for its application. The collection of information on typical gastronomy in 179 establishments in Pelileo was carried out using registration cards (INPC), a field of study that is as descriptive as it is deductive. Thanks to the registration form (INPC), the most typical dishes of the canton were identified, such as: roast guinea pig, roast rabbit, fried, sweet empanadas, baked, tamales, chawarmisqui, chicken broth and wind empanadas. Results. Among the results of the survey, it should be noted that most of the inhabitants of the canton show an inclination on the effective dimension with an average of 3.80 corresponding to 19.84%. Conclusions. Emotions are superimposed on other more rational aspects; therefore, a greater degree of relevance is required to inform the typically representative food by the possible means.


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How to Cite
Llerena Oñate, K. P., Sánchez Guerrero, D. O., Lizano Saltos, V. C., & Ruíz Villegas, D. M. (2023). Typical gastronomy as a cultural identity. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 316-332. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.4.2000


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