Banana vinegar in the development of local manabita cuisine

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Joselyn Tatiana Escalante Loor
Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate
María Fernanda Viteri Toro
Diana Alexandra Falcón Salazar


Introduction: The present research project focuses on the local food manabita, mainly on one of the elements that give it its legendary identity as is the banana vinegar, that is currently being forgotten as part of the ancestral knowledge in the elaboration of the typical food and will be evidenced as both, gastronomy and vinegar, are strongly entrenched with the development of the same, is a condiment that very few people know, that went and has been part of the progress of Creole food in Manabí for generations and evolved in its uses as much as the people themselves of the province. Objective: To determine the development of the local cuisine manabita with the ingredient of banana vinegar Methodology: The design of the research is bibliographic documentary because it supports it concepts in research and scientific content. The sensory survey was applied to 20 individuals aged between 20 and 70 years and the SPSS program was used to calculate the variable Results: The statistical test that was used for hypothesis verification was Friedman’s two-way analysis and it was concluded that banana vinegar has a sensory impact on preparations is by them that most of the respondents preferred protein preparations traditionally known and more widely used, it was also found that the use of vinegar contributes to the development of local food manabita


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How to Cite
Escalante Loor , J. T., Torres Oñate, C. F., Viteri Toro, M. F., & Falcón Salazar, D. A. (2023). Banana vinegar in the development of local manabita cuisine. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 287-297.


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