Multisensory stimulation in comprehensive child development: systematic review from the perspective of social distancing

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Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones
Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales
Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza
Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamaní


Introduction: In the educational context, one of the main objectives is to work on children's integral development; the Early Education curriculum characterizes the areas of development and learning for infants and describes the objectives and skills to be developed. Thus, sensory stimulation is significant in the development of the cognitive, affective-social, motor, and language areas affected by social distancing. Objective: To synthesize the studies on sensory stimulation in child development during social distancing. Methodology. The study followed a descriptive methodology; the use of theoretical and empirical methods and the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) allowed consulting in degree projects linked to the research project of the Program "Early multisensory stimulation based on the Montessori methodology for children from 0-5 years old with or without special educational needs after social distancing" carried out by the students of Nursery Education and Early Childhood Education of the periods that correspond to social distancing. Results: the selection of 6 investigations that contributed to synthesizing the theoretical foundations on the sensorial stimulation in integral child development, facilitating the concretion of the stimulation in 7 senses that promote the child's integral development, such as 2. Auditory stimulation. Tactile stimulation. 4. Taste stimulation. Olfactory stimulation 6. The vestibular stimulation 7. The proprioceptive stimulation allows executing the essential functions of the child such as comprehension, attention, memory, language, sensoperceptions, body scheme, laterality, directionality, temporal notions, fine and gross motor skills in the cognitive area, social, affective, motor, and language vital in childhood and a permanent challenge that in time of social distancing has been limited. Conclusions: The systematization of previous research on multisensory stimulation in child development highlights the need for the child to have an adequate stimulation of the environment to enhance his or her integral development, which has been limited by social distancing.


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How to Cite
Acosta Bones, S. B., Rosero Morales, E. del R., Galarza Galarza, J. C., & Estupiñán Guamaní , M. A. (2023). Multisensory stimulation in comprehensive child development: systematic review from the perspective of social distancing. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 141-162.


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