Life cycle analysis applied for environmental assessment in the reuse of rigid pavement. Case study via Cuenca- Giron- Santa Isabel
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Introduction: The state road network is exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters, and climate change increases the risks of destruction, threatening current and future infrastructure. The geographical location of Ecuador and its geomorphology make the roads of the national network prone to threats of earthquakes, landslides, floods and volcanic activity, conditions that generate interruptions in activities and services that depend on the national road network, added to this, the fact that many roads have already fulfilled their life cycle. Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze the possible environmental impacts that could be reduced with the reuse of rigid pavement, on the Cuenca-Giron-Santa Isabel road, applying the Life Cycle Analysis tool. Methodology: The standardized methodology of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) was used, as established by ISO 14040, using the SimaPro 9.1.1 software, licensed by the Catholic University of Cuenca, using the cml-ia baseline evaluation method, and the Ecoinvent database, which allows the analysis of impact categories. Results: The results show that the categories with the greatest contribution to environmental impacts are: Abiotic depletion (80%), Global Warming (40%), Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) (50%), Human toxicity (80%), Marine aquatic ecotoxicity (30%), Freshwater aquatic ecotox (30%), and the stage that contributes most to environmental pollution is the stage of transport of heavy cargo with 80% of emissions this due to the consumption and product of the combustion of diesel and other fuels. Conclusion: The reuse of rigid pavement if it presents less environmental impacts, however, the use and consumption of fuel would determine its feasibility in terms of the costs generated for the reuse of the pavement that has fulfilled its life cycle. The LCA methodology can be used as a tool with certain limitations, for environmental assessment and feasibility for dissemination in the country.
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