Entrepreneurship management and its incidence of community-based tourism promotion

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Glenda Alejandra Parra Cerezo
Fredy Leonardo Ibarra-Sandoval


Community-based tourism is part of a productive strategy for a globalized economy and a research object that provides key elements for study within national and international Pymes programs. This research aims to design a tourism entrepreneurship management model to improve the community-based tourism promotion in the Vinces canton of the Los Ríos province. These processes identify conjunctural variables that feed initiatives to take advantage of the agro-industrial productivity of this geographical area, expanding complementary business possibilities with local and foreign strategic allies. The data obtained through surveys carried out with 200 people, dedicated to entrepreneurships in the cacao sector, reinforce the information on quantitative and qualitative indicators of change and border business connectivity with the quality of tourism products. The interviews conducted with community leaders generate controversy over the efforts made to improve the national and foreign market. The communities demand the fulfillment of firm commitments with the State and with international organizations that integrate the cacao market as a policy of economic reactivation through community-based tourism and the generation of a management model. Entrepreneurs say that it’s necessary to steer their ideas towards circular projection concepts, in terms of technical advice, framed in the synergy of productive businesses complementary with agricultural activities. In Ecuador, community experiences are enhanced by reducing the discriminatory gap on vulnerable groups in recognition of their collective millenary memory.


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Parra Cerezo, G. A., & Ibarra-Sandoval, F. L. (2021). Entrepreneurship management and its incidence of community-based tourism promotion. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.1), 96-110. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i4.1.1928


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