Analysis of the carbon footprint in flexible pavement roads (asphalt): Second order roads in the province of Azuay

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Pablo Esteban Beltrán Castro
Karla Belén García Molina
Carlos Julio Cordero Cabrera


Objective. Determine the major pollutants generated during the construction and maintenance stage of the Minas Tablón Pucará highway project. Methodology. 1 km of track was analyzed and all the factors generated by the activities during all phases of the project were established, using the SimaPro software and the ReCiPe Midpoint methodology, different phases were distinguished as definition of the approach and limits of the system , inventory, impact analysis and interpretation of the results, with the guidelines of the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, the environmental impacts were identified and evaluated during all stages of the life cycle. In addition, through the geographic information system ARC-GIS, the shapes of the Ministerium Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 25k, 2018 and the georeferenced points taken in the field, the coverage and land use corresponding to the area where the project is located was determined. Results. Among the results with the highest contamination is the maintenance stage, which generates a high rate of climate change (67.1%), fossil depletion (68%), particulate matter (94.1%) and human toxicity (90.2%). Conclusion. During the maintenance stage, human interventions are more periodic so more contamination is generated, in addition, the study route is asphalt so it presents more chemicals and compounds, even with regard to the construction methodology generates an increase in emissions that contribute considerably to global warming and climate change.


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How to Cite
Beltrán Castro, P. E., García Molina, K. B., & Cordero Cabrera, C. J. (2021). Analysis of the carbon footprint in flexible pavement roads (asphalt): Second order roads in the province of Azuay. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.1), 81-95.


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