Comparative analysis of the frameworks grails and spring for the development of an intelligent system

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Edwin Fernando


Introduction. The use of frameworks is addressed through the creation of an intelligent system in the field of medicine, implementing metrics that allow determining which framework presents the best benefits, the production rules of an expert system will allow us to determine the type of disease that suffers a patient based on their symptoms. Objective. Verify the best features that each of the types of frameworks has in the development of applications of this type. Methodology. This research is descriptive and comparative, it uses the SCRUM methodology for the development of the software and the IDEAL methodology for the development of the expert system. Tests were carried out to determine usability with 60% importance and productivity with 40% importance to frameworks, in this way to be able to establish which framework will be used within the development of the intelligent system. These percentages are granted according to what is described in the ISO / EIC 25000 standard, which proposes that the requirements and metrics of the software focused on these two parameters be evaluated. Results. The Grails framework in the measurement with the quality parameters gives us 57.5% instead that the Spring framework has 50%, while in productivity the values ​​for Grails is 40% and for Spring it is 25%, from here it is obtained that the framework with which the software is going to be built is Grails. Conclusion. It is concluded that under the quality parameters within usability and productivity, the percentages favor Grails, this result based on the principles described above, mainly the classes proposed in the framework.


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How to Cite
Edwin Fernando. (2021). Comparative analysis of the frameworks grails and spring for the development of an intelligent system . ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.2), 118-137.


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