Diagnosis of training needs of high school teachers and their relevance in teaching - learning in students prior to the Baccalaureate test. Ibero-American International Educational Unit, Cantón Riobamba, province of Chimborazo.

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Alex Fabián Inca Falconí
Maria Elizabeth Barahona Avecillas
Rosa Ximena Castelo Gavilanes
Jonatahn Paúl Campos Castelo


Introduction. At present, in a globalized world with constant technological development, changes are being promoted in different fields such as health, companies, the media, among others. Objective. The present research work entitled Diagnosis of training needs of high school teachers and their relevance in teaching-learning in students prior to the Baccalaureate test; It was carried out with the objective of knowing the training needs of the high school teachers of the Ibero-American International Educational Unit of the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, in the academic period 2016 - 2017. Methodology. For the research process, the entire population was taken as a sample, made up of nine teachers and seventy high school students; the analytical-synthetic method, the inductive and deductive method, the statistical method, the hermeneutical method was put into practice; With the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as a tool, data was collected, which were classified and analyzed through statistical tables. Results. It was possible to detect that 90% of high school teachers have training needs in topics related to pedagogy, didactics, methodological strategies, activities for the development of skills, preparation and evaluation of projects, neurophysiology of learning. Conclusion. According to the analysis carried out, the high school teachers have third level academic training; there are teachers who have not been trained in the field of pedagogy.


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How to Cite
Inca Falconí , A. F., Barahona Avecillas, M. E., Castelo Gavilanes, R. X., & Campos Castelo, J. P. (2021). Diagnosis of training needs of high school teachers and their relevance in teaching - learning in students prior to the Baccalaureate test. Ibero-American International Educational Unit, Cantón Riobamba, province of Chimborazo . ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.2), 95-117. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i3.2.1871


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