Río Amazonas Airport and its operational reality in the Pastaza tourism

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Bryan Steven González Piedra
Edison Eduardo Ruiz Mármol
Mayra Inés Pinta Rodríguez
Clímaco Geovani Espín Ortiz


Mobility is essential for all economic and social activities. For this reason, from the fifties, air traffic began its massive generalization, becoming a means of transport for all groups in society. In Ecuador, according to the Andean Community, in 2019, passenger air traffic has increased, however, in the Amazon region, the limited information regarding the benefits and services offered by the Amazonian airports blur the real performance that they have. and its operational reality. This research analyzes the reality of the Rio Amazonas Airport as a potential means of passenger mobilization, and its potential to join the tourism system of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The data shown here is based on the information provided by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation located in the Shell parish, Pastaza province where the files are located. The type of research is descriptive of a cross-sectional quantitative nature for the collection of secondary information and the application of the structured questionnaire to determine its perception. Its infrastructure, which is operational and underused, is highlighted, in addition to the fact that the services of the Río Amazonas Airport serve in many cases of social assistance, so it is a prop for the development of the communities in the interior of the Amazon jungle that are due to activities of visitation, it is important to mention that the airport is mostly used for domestic activities and others, scarcely for tourism. The Rio Amazonas Airport has all the facilities to operate with a greater influx of passengers, however, it is not considered in the offer.


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How to Cite
González Piedra, B. S., Ruiz Mármol, E. E., Pinta Rodríguez, M. I., & Espín Ortiz, C. G. (2021). Río Amazonas Airport and its operational reality in the Pastaza tourism. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2.2), 139-152. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i2.2.1783


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