Criteria for selecting qualified labor for a construction project of sewerage and drinking water networks in the city of Cuenca

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Nelson Santiago Urgilés Martínez
Juan-Carlos Ortega-Castro


Introduction: In order for civil constructions to be completed within the specified deadlines and not incur high costs due to delays, it is necessary to have a qualified workforce that is capable of executing the construction actions with high quality standards in the established times. It is for this reason that it is necessary to identify the necessary characteristics that applicants must possess before assembling the workforce. Objective: Determine selection criteria for qualified labor for civil constructions focused on drinking water and sewerage networks. Methodology: To meet the objective, a bibliographic compilation on selection criteria and factors that affect the productivity of labor in civil projects began. With this information, we proceeded to develop a data collection tool to apply them to a population of civil engineers in the city of Cuenca to inquire about the characteristics that, in their perception, they consider important to consider a worker as qualified. Results: Among the most relevant results, it was determined that the factors of the workforce such as physical condition, age, health and build are not the only determinants to qualify the workers. Conclusion: With all the above raised, it was concluded that the empirical knowledge and skills that the workforce can offer has the same relevance as physical condition and health.


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How to Cite
Urgilés Martínez, N. S., & Ortega-Castro, J.-C. (2021). Criteria for selecting qualified labor for a construction project of sewerage and drinking water networks in the city of Cuenca. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 40-53.


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