Application of Geographic Information Technologies to estimate areas affected by forest fires

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Esteban David Toaza Patiño
Julia Desiree Velasteguí Cáceres
Víctor Manuel Espinoza
Hernán Chamorro Sevilla


Introduction. At present, remote sensing is a tool that allows obtaining geospatial information of the areas affected by forest fires through systematic observation. Objective. Apply Geographic Information Technologies to estimate burned areas from a multitemporal perspective in the province of Chimborazo. Methodology. To determine the occurrence of forest fires, the MODIS product for burned areas called MCD64A1 was used, which determines areas greater than or equal to 25 hectares and the date of occurrence. The delimitation of the affected area and the severity of the fires was carried out using the spectral indices NBR and NDVI (pre and post fire), calculated with the images previously used to validate the affected area. The pre and post processing was carried out using the QGIS 3.4 program. Results. 10 fires that occurred in Chimborazo between the years 2015 to 2018 were determined, with a total affected area of ​​2,760.59 hectares, the coverage affected by these was also determined, the moorland being the one that had the most affected area. Conclusion. The present investigation demonstrated that the application of geospatial technologies is an effective and practical resource for the management of surfaces affected by forest fires and that the inputs used are freely available for download.


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How to Cite
Toaza Patiño, E. D., Velasteguí Cáceres, J. D., Espinoza, V. M., & Sevilla, H. C. (2021). Application of Geographic Information Technologies to estimate areas affected by forest fires. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2.2), 58-69.


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